Quote (WarFce)
Name: Enes Bilen
In-Game Name: »WarFace«
Past In-Game Name[s]: player... , pr0~**
USGN name: Fearless00
Contact[MSN, Skype...]: I don't use Skype but I have MSN : c.enes_bjk@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Experience: 3.9 / 4.0 years
Nick in game:
Other nicknames (if any):
your USGN name:
Experience (how many are playing?):
Previous clans:
Location(town, country):
Msn:if havent...download it
All times are GMT:
Where did you hear about us:
Who is invited: (optional)
Who do you know of our clan:
Your ping in sh servers:
Why has decided to join?
(as detailed as possible)
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